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Sasso Bello - Tile Repair El Dorado Hills
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 15 reviews
 by Thomas Marcinek

Great job!

 by Kimberly Murphy

Great job!

 by John Newey

Great job!

 by Kell Weichler

Sasso Bello was wonderful to work with, very reasonably priced and very professional

 by Mat Sauvageau

Great company to work with! Robert is very generous with his time and we appreciate the advice he has given us.

 by andrew k

Contractor exposed my family, myself and his employee to toxic fumes from his hole filler material[ Superior Acrylic]. He did not open any windows or use any fans and did not provide a safe environment. I eventually had to because it was so bad. His employee Josh told me he had gone to the doctor from previous exposures. My wife became very nauseous and had to go lie down. Contractor when he arrived said before he starts he was going to charge me $85.00 additionally because I did not get back to him for the grout color. I told him I had trouble picking the color and felt the tile needed cleaning before the color could be matched. He said it was $85.00 or I can go myself to Home Depot and get my own non-sanded grout. He then looked at his watch and said look at all the time I just wasted and should probably charge you for that. I only went forward because I knew how important my wife wanted the repairs. I even went to Home Depot and purchased a very common color grout that he should have had. My kitchen sink caulking never sat up. He told me that the color will change completely clear when it dries, it never did. He removed two kitchen tiles that he felt needed replacement and refused to put any back. These were in the worst possible areas, in front of the kitchen sink and refrigerator. He said he wasn't going to put them back because the mortar was loose. He could have vacuumed up the loose pieces. The cracks on my floor that he said you won't be able to notice them, you certainly can. The caulking he placed around my bathtub was not complete and never dried and is still soft, two weeks later. Finally, when it dried, it cracked and now has to be completely replaced again. He said he would clean and seal my bathroom floor but didn't clean it very good and you can still see the stains in the tile and grout. Contractor did not fill all the holes in the travertine floor and charged me extra saying he filled a lot more. He left some of his resin which is now cured on my floor. He had an employee named Josh but on the contractor's state license site it said he has no workers comp. and no employees. This guy with his attitude and his lies should be out of business. This guy wears a shirt that has a tile institute emblem and brags about all his training. This is probably a one hour or one day class. He also states he has to get back to his company as to what to do or advice when he refused to polish and seal my master bathroom floor.There is no one else for him to call because he is the company. He comes across as though this is a big company but it is only a one man show and he hires a part-time employee. My advice is to never use this company. Find somebody else.


 by Jacob Anderson

Unfortunately I had an extremely poor experience with Robert and the Sasso Bella team which ended with my wife crying after being verbally insulted by Robert via the telephone. Robert's service simply did not meet the expectations he laid for us. He also cleaned his tools in our landscaping leaving a white film all over my lawn and flower beds. Extremely poor result after what seemed to be a professional presentation to start. For your own peace of mind please use another service provider. Details of our experience are below...

After my wife saw the results of the cleaning and the discoloration of the grout stayed after the "curing" period, my wife called to ask if there was anything that could be done. Robert told us we ordered the wrong service and he would need an additional $1200 on top of the $865 we had already paid. Obviously he never offered this service previously. He let us know that his profits are more important than meeting the customers need and expectations. Really? Wow...

We offered to pay the difference between what we paid and the $1,200 and he informed my wife he does not do business with people like us, basically calling her a swindler, and hung up. Cue the water works.

Like any respectable husband, I called Robert back and calmly tried to understand why my wife was crying after she spoke with him. He informed me that not all customers are going to be happy, we are one of the unhappy ones, and there was nothing he was going to do. He let me know that his business is doing great and it really doesn't matter if I am unhappy and then hung up. Please don't let yourself be one of the "unhappy ones".

Bottom line is if you are looking for your expectations to be met, it will benefit you to look somewhere else. Writing a review like this is not pleasant and something I have never done before. But I feel it is important to warn other folks before they get burned by Robert and Sasso Bello as they leave your wife crying after the service.

 by Robert Honer

I have utilized Sasso Bello's services several times and have come away very pleased with their quality of work and professionalism. I recommend their services to others as I would not hesitate to use them again.

 by Denise Alexander

We just had Sasso Bello seal marble in our bathroom shower and clean all the waterspots off our glass enclosure and it looks brand new. The service was on time and very professional. He also repaired a large chip in our kitchen granite counter which was a lot less expensive than having to replace it as other companies told us we would need to do! We highly recommend this company.

 by jared king

We put in new tile floors and remodeled our kitchen. Afterwards the tile floors were really dirty and after scrubbing them for weeks nothing was changing. I knew I needed a professional. I found Robert with Sasso Bello and he came over with his equipment and had my floors cleaned and looking spotless in a few hours. My wife was really happy, she thought we had ruined our new floors, and it was a sigh of relief for me. I definitely recommend Sasso Bello. Robert will take care of you.

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